Have you heard of Josh Martinez? Well now you have because he is causing a big stir in the FX community by taking a $500 account to over $39,000!! Yes, you read that right, it’s not a typo! Now, he's decided to share one of his closely guarded secrets "The Euro Point Trade Tactic" FX Pathfinders Euro Point Trade Tactic Don’t miss this webinar for any reason. No excuse is good enough… Josh has mastered making money in the FOREX markets. Josh made more than $29,000 in February alone, and he averages 53 pips per trade. He’s just a regular guy with a strategy that works, and he’s opening his play book to you, so get registered now. Unless you like being broke. Around here, we prefer BIG trading profits and fun trading, and that is exactly what you’re going to get on the webinar - you’ll see Josh’s strategy and learn how to implement it. See how Josh uses the Euro Point Tactic Now! Copy and paste this http://forex.evergreenfor ex.com/SH8W in your to join webinar
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Date: 2013-05-05